Jet Application Services Platform

JASP is more than just a tool - it's your ultimate companion in product design and development. Whether you're a front-end aficionado or a backend guru, JASP empowers you to automate tedious tasks, freeing you to focus on what truly matters - innovation.

Adopt the JASP + Agile Development model to shorten development cycles significantly and boost your software’s reliability and security. Improve your team’s responsiveness and product quality while drastically reducing project costs.

  • JASP offers:

    • Seamless Integration with Leading Front-End Frameworks: From Layui to React to Vue, JASP effortlessly adapts to your preferred front-end environment, generating scripts and rendering pages with unparalleled efficiency.
    • Gateway Interface Services: Connect directly to the front-end and unleash your creativity with secondary development possibilities.
    • Customizable Business Function Modules: From Queries to User Management to Menu Configuration, JASP provides out-of-the-box modules that can be easily deployed, customized, and modified to suit your unique requirements.
  • But that's not all. JASP can:

    • Simplify Table Design & Construction: Say goodbye to manual table design - JASP automates the process, saving you valuable time and effort.
    • Streamline API Integration and Debugging: With JASP, the communication between front-end and backend is seamless, thanks to automated API generation and debugging.
    • Expedite Backend Initialization: Get your backend services up and running in a fraction of the time with JASP's automated initialization feature.
  • Experience the thrill of accelerated development cycles and simplified workflows with JASP by your side.

  • With JASP, you're not just coding - you're innovating, pioneering, and leading the charge into the future of development.

  • And the benefits don't stop there. According to our experience:

    • Development cycles are slashed by at least 40%.
    • Workloads are reduced, equivalent to the efforts of two developers.
    • Project costs can be trimmed by a remarkable more than one third.


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Our Services

Workspace Desktop

IATX commitment is to meet and exceed customer expectations.

  • JASP Cloud Application

    You can use JASP in the cloud without installing anything locally. Our user-friendly design ensures that most features work straight out of the box. We provide the most convenient and fastest support for all problems in the process of using JASP.

  • Agile Development Services

    Agile development services based on JASP can greatly reduce your costs. Choose JASP for a streamlined, efficient, and innovative development experience. Let IATX become your highly cost-effective technical team.

Example Cases

Government Approval Category

Widely used are including Project Approval, Epidemic Prevention Fund Subsidy Application, Patent Approval, Individual Application Settlement Evaluation, etc. The main function is to submit the application by the enterprise, the government review, after approval, transfer to the relevant departments (cooperate with the enterprise) for implementation, track the implementation progress, and submit the implementation results.

Financial and Insurance Category

Like Credit Approval and Insurance Coverage Management, including business acceptance, agreement management, settlement management, risk control, ledger, post-loan supervision and early warning, data statistics, insurance and claims information entry, product sales, online payment, product line management, contract management, agent settlement and report management.

Enterprise Management Category

Many internal enterprise management software systems with the registration, approval and management features of human, financial and material resources. Such as Reimbursement Applications, Leave Applications, Documents Management and Inventory Management System.