Intelligent, Agile and Technology

Our Story

The Journey to JASP

With over 20 years in the software industry, our founder has successfully led nearly 30 diverse projects, including office management, ERP, risk control, and CRM solutions. These projects spanned sectors such as government, manufacturing, and financial services, often involving large teams and budgets exceeding £1 million.

Throughout these experiences, a common challenge emerged: delivering high-quality software quickly. Clients consistently asked, "Can we shorten the development schedule without sacrificing quality?" This question inspired the creation of a development tool designed to reduce both the time and complexity of software projects while maintaining high standards.

Imagine building a LEGO castle with pre-made bases and walls. This concept led to the development of JASP (Jet Application Services Platform), a comprehensive software development platform. By providing ready-to-use modules, JASP simplifies and accelerates the development process, ensuring stability and quality.

Moving to the UK provided the opportunity to fully develop this vision. JASP, born from two decades of experience, addresses the pain points of small and medium-sized software enterprises, offering a streamlined and efficient development solution.

Our founder’s former technical team initially used and refined JASP, consistently achieving work savings of around 50%. This success story continues with IATX, as we introduce JASP to software vendors worldwide, helping them enhance efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness in their projects.

Join us on this journey and discover how JASP can revolutionize your software development process.


Our elite startup team boasts over two decades of expertise in the fields of Fintech, Government Informatization, Enterprise IT and CRM. They excel in requirements analysis, software design, development, testing and project management. We believe in quality over quantity and efficiency over hours spent. Innovation meets precision.

Emily Xu


More than 20 years of experience in IT industry. Has unique insights in software product design and project management. Extensive experience of software applications in government, finance and various enterprises.

Sohaib Basir


With diverse industry experience and a proven track record in strategy and growth, Sohaib drives innovation and empowers businesses. He also helps individuals reach their potential being a career coach.

Jason Feng


Have 20+ years of Java development, 10+ years of Architect and 10+ years of technical management experience. Leading team research and development of diverse Enterprise Platform and Software Products.